Monday, April 28, 2008

Tulip Fest 2008-Extended!

We enjoyed a most beautiful spring day in the Skagit Tulip Fields. For the past three years living in Mt Vernon we have walked the muddy flower gardens in the rain. Not this year! The crazy weather led to a delay in the Spring '08 bloom thus extending the season by a few weeks.

Sam goes "Into the Wild" world of dazzling acres of tulips. His favorite species was the "pink ones" but really had a great interest in driving this bus. We told him he was not allowed as the drivers seat was occupied by a fiery 4 year old Chinese-Canadian and we all know what their tempers are like!

Say cheese! Very tricky coordinating smiles with a baby who doesn't quite understand me yet and the 2.5 year old whom I am not quite understanding anymore!

Home sweet home.
In this picture you can see Little Mountain and the Cultus Mountains.

Spring also calls for the annual hanging of the hammock!
Benny and Dad playing in the shade.
Ploudre Girls and Sam swinging in the breeze

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